Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Graduate. And the coming weeks

Today my daughter graduated from Preschool. Yup. A Preschool graduation ceremony. And let me tell you, no matter how ridiculous you may think it is to celebrate graduating from preschool into Kindergarten, if you are at your kid's ceremony, you will have tears in your eyes. My baby had the first line: "Welcome to our Graduation!" They sang a series of songs, then walked off the stage, and came back on to Pomp and Circumstance in their powder blue cap and gowns!

She did so good, and stood still and everything! And if you knew my daughter, you'd understand why her standing still was such an achievement. After the ceremony they served pizza and cake and cookies and stuff. We had a nibble, then went home for a while before heading out to see Toy Story 3. I cried for that, too. Seriously, it was a weepy day all around for me!

As for this weekend, I will be dragged along to Maine with the good ol' 319th. Travel Friday. Do stuff Saturday. March a parade the morning of the 4th, then march off the parade line onto the bus to come home. What fun! Then Monday the 5th we will be packing equipment, and on the 6th I will be off to Oklahoma for 2 weeks. With no internet access. What would really be awesome is if the barracks had wi-fi or something, but I know we're gonna have some crap accommodations. As long as it isn't open bay, though, I guess I'll be ok. Then I have to decide if I want to bring my lap top, or just my net book. I brought my lap top with me last year and didn't really use it at all for anything I thought I would use it for (watching movies/playing games). I basically had it on to write. And I can do that on the net book and it's easier to carry. I guess that's settled.

Don't worry, though, I shall attempt to document all I can of my journeys and when I get back I'll have a bunch of posting to do. Not all at once. That would most likely be overwhelming. Maybe I'll do a series. "Chaos with the 319th, Installment 1."

That's all I really have to report for now. If I come up with something more exciting in the next 2 days I will be sure to share. So, blog readers (who?), I bid you adieu, au revoir, and all that good stuff, until I return on the 21st of July.

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