Thursday, August 5, 2010


I don't normally put much stock in dreams because PMS causes me to have very vivid ones. Most of which I don't remember, but the ones I do remember stick with me. Last night I had 2 very distinct dreams. I wish I had gotten up and written them down right away because now they are only fuzzy blurs, but enough that it still kind of disturbs me because they both involve anger and yelling.

The first one involved someone I am friends with on Facebook, have never met in person but are friends through a mutual friend. I was tied up in a chair, like a hostage, but not in a scary location. It was in a well-lit house, furnished living room and stuff, like I was at home, but it wasn't my home. And this person I think was questioning me, or yelling accusations at me. Or maybe it was more like excited jabbering. He was smiling. and acting excited, or crazed. Or it was about being lost; we couldn't find the way out (of a house?), which still doesn't explain the reason for me being tied up in a chair.

This is also strange because this is the second time that this person has appeared in a dream of mine. The first time he was narrating what was going on, like a blog-writer. Which is even more strange since I have never heard his voice before.

The second dream was me yelling at my daughter. And I mean really yelling. Not obscenities or anything, but flat out screaming stuff like, "DON'T DO THAT" "WOULD YOU STOP THAT, I MEAN IT" and stuff like that, that I am always telling her, but this time it was angry and very loud. And she didn't seem overly perturbed by it either. She was just going along her business and I'd yell at her to stop. I think this dream happened because I was hyper-aware of how extremely moody I was the last time I was PMS'ing. I would get frustrated, irritated, and angry at stupid little things, and yell at her, but then feel bad about it, but I still felt angry so I couldn't even apologize properly. I guess I felt a little guilty.

At any rate, that is it for now. We are going to take a trip to Kmart or Walmart and pick up some small Lego sets, because Caelyn has a Lego table in the play room and no Legos to play with on it.

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