Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting Dirty

No, I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about my daughter, Caelyn. She is 5 (if you didn't already know this fact already). She is a Princess (with a capital "P"). And she likes to play hard. In the dirt. This may be a fact of life for most kids, but I have never seen a child get as filthy as she manages to get. She's outside for 10 minutes and she comes back with dirt smeared across her face, leaves in her hair, cuts on her hands, and holes in the knees of her jeans. I really can't imagine how she manages.

Actually, I do have a slight idea. I once caught her pouring flower-pot-fulls of dirt onto the top of her head. I also caught her sticking tree branches and flowers (with the roots still attached and dropping dirt everywhere) under her headband so she could be the Forest Princess. Yeah.

The other thing, aside from her, that gets dirty is her clothes. A good amount of her clothing has dirt, grass, and food stains on it. I know the importance of cleanliness, and not looking like a slob when she goes out, but seriously, she's 5. She's going to get dirty, and then she's going to out-grow these clothes in about 4-6 months. At which time she is going to have all brand new clothes to mess up. Yeah, when she gets a little older it will be farther between needing new clothes, but for now, I say, "Sure go ahead and play. Get dirty. Have fun!"

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was just boys!! LOL

    I do not understand how in the heck my boys rip the knees of their pants!!!
