Wednesday, December 1, 2010

It's December!

Well, as my title suggests, it's December. It seems I'm averaging about two blog posts a month. I'd like to change that. And I don't mean give up altogether. I would really like to keep blogging, but I'm not sure what my direction is. Talking about myself every time seems so trivial and boring. But I suppose that's why people create personal blogs, amirite?

I'm currently sitting in my Phonetics class not paying attention. If anyone says anything, I'll just show them my collection of A's and leave it at that. It's not really that difficult and the professor lays everything out for us pretty thoroughly. And this current section seems only slightly harder [for me] because it looks like it involves more math and numbers. The heading on the power point slide that's showing right now is "Average vowel spectra values for several male speakers." Oy. Syntax is going along swimmingly as well. I can't wait for this semester to finally be over already! Finals should be a breeze. The only thing I actually have to do work on is an article summary for which I haven't read the article yet. Twelve pages of drivel that I must summarize in one paragraph. No biggie. The hardest part is trying to understand all the technical verbiage of the experiment that it's about.

But let's forget school for a while. Like, forever. The bigger, more important thing that's happening this month is MOVING. Yes, my dear New Jersians (Jerseyans? Jerseyites?), I will be heading north (WAY north) on the 20th of this month. I'm excited and sad at the same time. I love North Country, the mountains, the trees, the clean, fresh air, the lack of light pollution, the list goes on. I'm excited about this being almost like the start of a new life, a fresh start to everything. But I'm sad because, well, I've lived in the same place for 28 years, pretty much my entire life. My daughter is going to the same elementary school that I went to at her age. It's all so nostalgic! All my friends whom I've known my whole life are here. I'm going to miss the diversity of practically being a suburb of New York City. I'm going to miss the City! I was never one to go to the City very often, but in the past 2 years I think I've gone there more than I have in the whole rest of my life combined. I'm going to miss this mecca of culture, the sites and sounds of the city that never sleeps.

More trivial things I'm going to miss is good Chinese food. A good slice of NY pizza. I'm going to miss a good bagel! As much as I hate the kids in the neighborhood running rampant, I'm going to miss it, too. I'm going to miss telling Caelyn to just go outside and play with her friends. That population density is really a pro of living in an apartment complex sometimes.

If I had any confidence at all in finding a job (in like, a week) that would give me a salary conducive to living in Bergen county, I probably would be more inclined NOT to move. I've thought about it every which way, and it's just not meant to be. Right now. If I ever, EVER, have the opportunity to move back to Bergen county, I probably would.

Trying to find a plus side, I will be very close to Canada! Trip to Montreal, anyone? Another plus is that the house is HUGE. Plenty of room for guests. (hint hint). Also very close to an Indian Reservation. Gambling and Bingo, anyone? But really, I shouldn't have to lure anyone to come visit me with promises of flashy lights and travel across the border, right? RIGHT?? I kid. But really, six hours is a long way away, so I guess I'll have to get used to video chatting? Skype, anyone?

At any rate, I'll probably talk more on moving in a future post, probably about actually packing (boy do I have a lot to say about that), and hopefully an uneventful final trip up, leaving behind an empty apartment and arriving at our destination. Not the final destination by any means, but a destination nonetheless. If I don't blog again until after the move, I shall see you all on the other side, as they say.

1 comment:

  1. I'll come visit you, Biz! lol

    At least it's within driving distance.. lol
