Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I'm having trouble with sleep. No, I'm not having trouble getting to sleep - in fact, that's the issue. I'm falling asleep. Not during the day, but at night. And what's the problem with that, you may ask. The problem is that I'm going to sleep way too early and getting too much sleep. Now, most people wouldn't really count this as a huge problem, but this is happening pretty much every night. I'm 28, not 8. I don't need 10 hours of sleep. Yes, you read right: 10 hours of sleep. Or pretty damn close to that.

Here's the problem: Caelyn. Yes. Well, mostly. It's her fault, but it being her fault is my fault. We are still sharing a bedroom (at first because I hadn't finished painting her room, and really can't paint now until spring when we can open the windows, and now because the window is cracked so the room is pretty much extra storage for boxes we haven't unpacked yet). Her little toddler bed is in my room, but she doesn't sleep in it. (Yet). Which is my fault.

Bed time for Caelyn is around 8:00. Give or take. Then we read some books. Which usually brings us to around 8:30. Sleep time. We lay in bed together (more room now that I have a full bed), and she falls asleep in a matter of minutes. No problem. Now, I should stay up and get out of bed and do other stuff after that because I really don't need to fall asleep at 8:30-9:00. But I do. I think to myself, "Ok, I'll just wait a few more minutes to make sure she's really asleep," because if I don't, me getting out of bed may wake her up, OR, she may roll over and realize I'm not there, then wake up and scream her head off because Mommy 'disappeared.' So I wait a few more minutes, and in those two minutes in which I am waiting, I fall asleep.

In my defense, I do feel really sleepy at 9:00, but that's probably mostly due to the fact that I've gotten used to falling asleep at 9:00. I think this needs to stop. I'm getting too much sleep. I wake up around 2:00am and feel like it's time to get up, but it's not, and I go back to sleep and then feel even more sleepy when it actually IS time to wake up.

Here are my solutions:
1. Start putting Caelyn in her little bed after she is asleep so it forces me to get up, and gets her used to waking up in a different bed other than mine.
2. Start trying to get Caelyn to fall asleep in her own bed instead of in mine, that way me not being there won't be an issue to begin with. This one will be even harder than the first solution.
3. Get her own room set up so she can actually sleep in it, that way I don't have to worry about her in my bed AT ALL. This is the ultimate solution, but I won't be able to do this until A. The window gets fixed, and B. It gets warmer out so I can open the window so I can paint.

Also, would like enough extra cash to put down a decent floor in there (I'm thinking laminate and a nice big area rug), since right now it's really awful tiles that are 3 layers deep and peeling away.

Or, I could just set an alarm for 9:00pm to wake myself up and remind me to NOT fall asleep. I really wanted to do some reading last night, and I really really was trying to stay awake, and the next thing I know, I'm looking at my phone and it's 2:00am. Not cool. Hopefully in the next week or so I will be able to change this.

And speaking of change, watch out for my next blog in which I whine about Insanity. That is all.


  1. I would say B or C are good options. She's old enough to sleep in her own bed. lol Tayven co-slept with me from the day he was born but at around almost 4 years old he didn't HAVE to sleep with me. He would sleep on his own bed or on the floor in my room. I think she could sleep on her own but you're just letting her sleep with you because.. hehe. You can do it! Oh and I wish I could have 10 hours of sleep! :P

  2. I think the alarm would be too disruptive it would wake you both up...maybe a little chair and after reading in your bed you put her in hers and sit beside her till she is out this way you are upright and not in a cozy sleep position....

  3. Mike, that's a good idea - upright would make it harder for ME to fall asleep, though I'm sure the alarm wouldn't wake her up regardless.

    Caprice, you're right, and I fully confess that it's my fault because it's just EASIER and when she's tired and cranky I don't want to have to deal with anything new and different, LoL. I really have to work on it, though.

  4. Hey,Definitely get her her own room with her own bed. And get yourself on the schedule you WANT to be on (a safe one). It I've been extra sleepy lately because I don't have a set schedule from day-to-day. Once I'm back working, though, I imagine I'll be sleeping a lot less and getting used to it. But going to bed and getting up the same time are key each day.

  5. Shane, she does technically have her own room, but it's not fixed up yet; the window is broken, I need to put flooring down, and it needs to get painted so she can't actually sleep in it yet. Lots to do that we can't do until it gets warmer out. We're also on a pretty good sleep/waking up schedule since I have to get up at 5:30, and her soon after so she can be on the school bus when it comes at 6:45! After that I do a workout, shower, then go to work. Caelyn gets home around 3:10 and the whole thing starts again. I just need to be more consistent and actually try to get her to sleep in the toddler bed I have in my room next to my bed.
