Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spark 11 Poem - Matryoshka

Get Sparked Round 11 has begun! I hashed out a quick poem this morning for my partner. I feel bad it was so rushed. I had a LOT of ideas and had to consciously force myself not to slip into some horrible Dr. Seussian rhyme scheme. I went through the first two or three stanzas a number of times before I took a breath, erased it all, and started fresh. It's funny, and maybe more amazing than funny, how one idea which was turning out so terrible morphed into something so much better so quickly. And I mean quickly. Between re-reading and re-writing and just a little bit of editing (as always, could use more editing and polishing) it took me no more than 40 minutes total. Without further adieu, here is my Spark 11 inspiration piece:


Each day dragging
more than the last,
I open myself with hopes
of finding a little more

Yet each treasure that
I find inside the next,
one after another
becomes smaller,
inconceivably more delicate.

Tiny and beautiful,
gilded ornaments
so fragile
my hand shakes
they drop
and shatter.

I sweep up the pieces
but there aren’t instruments
small enough
to repair the valuable baubles.

But one golden seed survived,
so gently I hold it and place it
deep within myself
and continue on.

The seed is nurtured,
grows each layer again over itself
Until all is restored
and I get to play the game

©Elizabeth Cordes, 2011

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