Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blemish Be Gone! And other stuff.

For those who read regularly (uhh, who?), you may notice (or not?) that I deleted one of my posts. It was a mar on my semi-humorous blog, and a moment of stupidity on my part that I don't want to relive every time I read through my old posts. And yes, I say semi-humorous only because those who HAVE read this blog (and told me about it) have said that they laughed out loud at something. I never knew I could write funny, but apparently I can. Without knowing it.

This weekend, I hope, will be exciting. When Caelyn's father picks her up for the weekend tomorrow, I will straight away head up to my parents' new house in Malone, NY. I am hoping he can pick her up early because I really would like to get there some time before midnight. I am mostly going to test myself. To see if I can make a weekend trip there and back by myself. The other reason is so I can see where me and Caelyn will be living after Christmas, and after I finish my LAST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE. Oh, sorry, did I type that all in caps? I SURE AS HELL DID! Anyway, looking forward to a good trip up and back, so I better plug in my MP3 player now so it will be charged and ready to rock when I leave at 6PM tomorrow.

In other news, I got this brilliant idea today to start a serial on this blog. So if anyone knows how to make separate tabbed pages, I'd appreciate any help you all have to offer. Otherwise it will just be a weekly serial update (on the same day every week, at least that's the plan at the moment) in betwixt my other blog posts. I really have to figure out this bloggy thing a bit better, organize and categorize. Or something like that.

Right now I'm not sure what the story will be about or whether I will take a more realistic direction or veer towards a more F/SF type setting. Anyway, we shall see if this idea even makes it off the ground. I hope it does, as that will at least keep my writing muscles in shape. I am also still debating whether or not to register for the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction contest. I'm pretty sure I will, but I guess maybe I'm having fun just having something to deliberate about.

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean "start a serial"? Like have a separate page dedicated to "Wednesday Worries" and only update it on Wednesdays (duh), while still keeping the home page your regular bloggy thing? Because I don't know how to do that, but I can probably figure it out. Shoot me an email (QuixoticJedi[at] or facebook me what you mean and I'll see if I can figure it out. =) I <3 challenges.
