Monday, June 21, 2010

Reading and Writing

I probably should have added this to the end of my last post, but I didn't think of it until now. I took out a couple books from the library last week, none of which I've had the inclination to sit down and actually read yet. One is the first 3 books in a Manga series called Sand Chronicles. I started reading the first one AT the library, so I figured I may as well take out the next two; it was going quick. It's not a serious Manga, just some dipsy child love story or something, but entertaining. I already packed up my entire Love Hina collection (which I also haven't read yet) and sent it to the house, so I figured this would be a good fill in until I'm up there in August and can (maybe?) relax and finally read it. After all, they've only been lying around for 5 years now.

The other book I had taken out, Runaways, is, indeed, X-men related. But I don't really know that universe intimately, so I was kinda lost. Especially since the one I took out happened to be a compilation of issues 25-30. So not only do I not have any background on the universe, I am behind 24 issues. I read about 3/4 of it, but it wasn't able to hold my interest merely on the fact that I can't keep the characters straight.

Another I borrowed last week and haven't looked at yet is Watchmen. I haven't seen the movie, although I wanted to. I figured reading it would be more thorough than watching a screen adaptation of it. Caelyn will be with her father this coming weekend, so maybe I'll actually sit down and relax a bit to get these books read.

One more that I have lined up is To Kill a Mockingbird. In my mind, this one goes hand in hand with Catcher in the Rye, simply because I hadn't read either of them during my illustrious school career. Since I finally did read Catcher, I figured it was about time to read Mockingbird as well. I had the library put it on hold for me since someone else had it out. They called a few days ago and said it was in for me. I was going to pick it up this morning on my way home from the bank, but tomorrow is me and Caelyn's library day, so I figured I could wait one more day.

And now onto the writing portion of my post here. The next NYC Midnight writing contest is coming up. Early registration ends July 8th, so I still have plenty of time to register early (and for cheaper), plus I got a $5 off registration code in my email. I kinda dropped the ball on the last one I was in, the Short Story contest. I waited til the very last minute, and didn't spend enough time actually working on it. It was mostly taken up by the actual writing of the story. I didn't do very well. It was a good story overall, but the execution was something to be desired. This next contest coming up is Flash Fiction. Every contestant will guaranteed to have 2 chances to write. And as with the last one, contestants are given a genre/subject (or genre/setting/object, I'm not sure which combo. But you're given some basic set-up like that), but no more than 1,000 words. Seeing as how in my fiction class last semester we had to stick to under 500 words for our short pieces, I figured I can really cook having 1,000 to work with.

It's not so much the work, though, it's the money. It's kinda pricey for a writing contest, but a lot of the same people are going to enter, and they have forums, and peer reviews and stuff. Which were infinitely more helpful (and entertaining!) than the actual judges' feedback everyone is entitled to. Which is also good. But I think for a lot of [us], the forums and camaraderie is what draws us back. I'm still thinking about it. I'll probably wind up entering; then at least I'll have something new and (exciting?) to blog about aside from my failed attempts at working out.

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