Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back at Home

As the title states, I have made it back home after spending the last 2 weeks at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. I did start writing a play-by-play of sorts while I was there, but didn't get very far. I realized that there were certain things I want to talk about, and the every day stuff isn't really that important. I'm going to have to brainstorm a bit before I remember everything I wanted to put down in words, but for now I'll just give a brief overview of my trip, as exciting as it was .

Compared to our usual 319th chaos and mayhem, this AT went pretty smooth. There were no major blow outs or fights or planning errors. Of course there was the usual training schedule confusion (i.e. not having a training schedule), and the usual break-down of communication between the upper echelon and the lower enlisted, but overall there was very little to complain about. There was one instance at the very end, the last weekend we were there, where our "free day" happened but shouldn't have. In the 11 years I've been with the band, I have never witnessed our Chief  so upset. It culminated in an hour sectional rehearsal, about an hour MPT rehearsal, and then we went outside to have a marching band rehearsal which was held in the Commissary parking lot due to the fact that it was 10PM (or should I say 2200?) and it was the only area that was lit.

Other than that, though, like I already said, compared to our usual cluster, the entire trip was pretty smooth sailing. I'm sure individuals had their own personal gripes, but for me, I was ok with the whole experience. Our day off out in Oklahoma City was superb. I really enjoyed myself at the Oklahoma History Center and then the Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. We ended the day having the most fantastic meal at the Bricktown Brewery in Bricktown, Oklahoma City. I also enjoyed being the driver for the trip; I got to drive a 2011 Toyota Sienna and if I were in the market for a bigger car, that would probably be on my top 5 list. It was a fantastic drive, and it was nice to go fast through the flat countryside of OK. The speed limit averaged about 70mph!

That's all about the trip for now. I also just want to mention the upcoming Flash Fiction contest and the fact that I entered it. First round is August 13-15. Given a genre, location, and object. 1,000 word maximum. I can't wait to get my write on!

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