Friday, October 15, 2010

The end of Flash Fiction

That's not to say the end of it all together for me, just for now. The results of the second challenge of the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Contest were posted last night, and well, I didn't make it into the second round. BY ONE POINT. I didn't make it by one measly little point. And that's also not to say I did horribly on the second challenge. On the contrary, I did quite well! I scored 20 points, which is a 3rd place ranking, but added to my 4 points from 12th place on the first challenge, wasn't enough to get me in a top 5 position. The 5th place spot had a total of 25 points. I had 24.

Ok enough sad math. I'm happy I did so well. I got some good feedback (despite being a jerk and not giving feedback to any other stories myself) and some tips on what to work on for next time. I hope I'm in a position to participate next time, cuz next time I'm gonna be at the top!


  1. uhm im in blogging class...and you're doing everything right yer blog :D

  2. LoL there's a blogging class? What am I doing right so I can do more of it!
