Sunday, January 2, 2011


Well it's the new year and I'm not making any resolutions. I think they're pointless and redundant. People try to "do" the same things every year with little or no success. Save money. Lose weight. Be kinder. Buy a car. Get a boyfriend/girlfriend. Whatever. I'm not buying it. If I can't do any of that when I want to during the rest of the year, why would making that promise to myself on January 1st make it any different?

It doesn't. So no resolutions. Just me being me, and doing my best as always.

At any rate, the snow has been melting for the past two days and today it started snowing again. It looks so pretty coming down. I'm glad I went out earlier and put my new windshield wipers on my car. I also backed it up closer to the top of our driveway so I can get out easier tomorrow without having to shovel the ENTIRE parking lot.

I've also finally got a desk in the office so I'll be able to set my desktop computer back up and start working again! I am really not liking this whole being broke thing. At all. I guess I'll stop here. I kinda lost my train of thought while playing on Neopets. Yes I play Neopets, shut up! Some people play WoW, some people play Farmville, I play Neopets. So there. And now I'm going to back to play more.

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