Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spark 12 Poem

Since I haven't written anything substantial here for quite a while, I figured I'd share my latest Spark creation. The following picture is what was sent to me, and the poem following that was the piece I wrote with the picture as inspiration. Enjoy!

The Forever Kiss

I wish I could kiss you forever
like that day we were on the beach.
I remember the tropical pinks and blues
of the blankets scattered across the sand,
the peach and brown and sunburn
of the bodies laying on orange flowered towels.
And you.

I remember you next to me,
sweat dripping from both our brows,
the sun merciless on our backs
as we lean in close.
Lips touch once, twice,

All afternoon,
covered in hot sand, our blanket askew,
unaware of the other tourists
one by one leaving the beach.

Alone, our lips still pressed together
until the chill of the moon over the ocean
pulls us back into our hotel room
where we kiss again

© Elizabeth Cordes, May 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Really Good Day

I'm gonna keep this short, because I've got other things I should be doing... But I'm having a really good day today!! Number one, got a refund check back from Mountain Medical because they over-billed me on Caelyn's doctor visit last month (yay!).

Then I bid on a metallic rose DS Lite for Caelyn's birthday and WON IT. WOO!

AND, on top of all this, I got a notice from Caelyn's school saying that her artwork has been chosen to represent her school at the Lake Placid Center for the Arts 2011 High Peaks Art Show! WOW! The rest of the letter states, "This art show features a select number of student work from schools around the North Country." The opening reception is this Friday night, so of course we will be there!

Ok and one more thing... FINALLY finished the blocks of crochet-a-long blanket that I had been working on since last summer. All I have left to do now is sew them together and put an edging on it! I'm so stoked, it's almost completely done!!!

Nothing bad happened today. So rare, and so amazing, just had to share. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It Got Finished!

Well well! I did get the blanket done on time and was able to give it to Caelyn when I picked her up. It's so cute!

In other news... Well, there really is no other news. I'll be down in Jersey this weekend for drill. So not looking forward to that. The more I think about it, the more I dislike being in the military and the quicker I want the next two years to go by so I can finally be done with it all. I'm just not the military-career type. I don't want to deal with it anymore. Ever again.