Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The end of Spring Semester

Last night I took the easiest final of my college career. And I've been a college student for many years, so I think that's saying something. It may as well have been open-book since the professor gave us all the charts we needed to answer about 80% of the questions, most of which were multiple choice. Actually, she may as well have given us the same grade for the final that we got on the midterm, cuz let's face it, if you did bad on the midterm, chances are you just don't "get it" and will do bad on the final. And vice versa, of course. I got an "A" on the midterm so I'm gonna have to guess I'm getting an "A" on the final, and subsequently an "A" for the class, Intro to Linguistics. And depending on how well I did on my final story, quite possibly an "A" in Writing: Fiction as well. In the words of Kai-Lan, that will make my heart super happy! All "A"'s, that counts as Dean's List, right?

And thus ends my last spring semester at Montclair State University. (holy, the auto-save-draft thing underneath this text box is going ape-shit! does it auto-save every 30 seconds??). I am kind of upset that I wasn't able to take any classes during the summer, half because I want to get this school thing over with, and half because I got a shit-load more money from the GI Bill for taking a summer class. I'm not sure why or how, I thought it was a mistake last year, but I called and they said it was OK. But it's all good anyway. I made squat last year so my financial aid awards will more than cover my classes in the fall. Thank you, Pell Grant and TAG!

In other news, I borrowed "How to Cope with Suburban Stress" by David Galef from the library last week. David Galef was my professor for my Writing: Fiction class this semester, so I figured I'd give his writing a chance. I read about 4-5 chapters so far and let me tell you, don't read this book unless you are prepared to be disgusted and creeped out by the insane details going through the mind of a pedophile. Yeah. I am really not sure if I want to finish reading it, but I kind of want to finish so I can at least email him and say that I read his book. Or maybe I should just email him to say that it was way too disturbing to finish?

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