Sunday, May 30, 2010

Get Sparked! Part II

Well, as usual, I procrastinated my butt off writing a response to the picture my artist-partner sent me more than 10 days ago now. But I finally got a moment to breath (it's been a busy week) so I sat down and busted out a poem. It wasn't as tough as I thought it was going to be; I think I work better with a tiny bit of direction rather than someone saying "Ok, write something. Anything." That kinda freaks me out, lol. And it helps to have even a tiny inkling of an idea, then most of it flows out pretty easily. Sometimes. But anyway, here is the picture my a-p sent me:

Toward a New Jerusalem, by Ann Marie Williams

Ok, did y'all enjoy that? And now here's the poem I wrote using this picture as inspiration (or something):

by Elizabeth Cordes

The yellow orb, unmoving,
sits atop the unchanging sky
like a relic,
refusing to fall.
It is a castaway from our old world,
as we are.
It is nameless,
as we are.

The mirrored landscape
broadens before us
(jealous, mocking).
It has no history as we do.

At the end of our journey
lies a city.
It will not let us carry
the old into new.
Its dazzling reflection
blinds us,
turns us away.

We must leave
all that we are
behind us
before we may enter.

We refuse.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'm not really thrilled with it, but I think it was good enough. I think I'll try again for the next one and maybe even spend a decent amount of time working on it! I almost feel bad that I shirked so badly after being so excited for signing up for it. Ah well.

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