Monday, May 17, 2010

Get Sparked

There were a couple of things I wanted to mention in my last blog post, but only recalled them after I hit the "publish post" button. And now I can't remember what I did want to write about. So here's something new!

I almost forgot that I signed up for the Get Sparked May session, which will hopefully get some creative juices flowing. Artists are paired up, and we send an "inspiration" piece to our partner (be it art, poetry, fiction, whatever) and then have I believe 10 days or so to write (draw) a response piece. I heard about this through a comment Lauren Flax made on one of The Quixotic Jedi's posts. I think. I saw the link, checked it out, and voila.

In other news, I finished my professor's book, "How to Cope with Suburban Stress." I'm not sure I really enjoyed it. There were some enjoyable moments, but the focus on the pedophile was just too much for me. It's one thing to have one IN your story, to cause some conflict, but to get that personal with one...I just saw no need for it. Also, the climax was pretty much right at the end of the book, and I felt like there should have been more afterwards instead of it being the end. I guess you can't win them all. I read some reviews about it on Amazon, and one said "Ted Sacks is no Humbert Humbert" and another one said "Ted Sacks is definitely creepier than Humbert Humbert." I have not read "Lolita" myself, so I really couldn't say for sure on that front.

Next up on my reading list is "Tekwar" by William Shatner. I picked it up for $.50 at a library book sale last summer. Then I think I'll finally finish "Moby Dick." Then after that, I'm not sure. Possibly finish "Stranger in a Strange Land." I'm perilously close to the end of that one but I wasn't thrilled with how deep it got into religion so I stopped. I also have "The Left Hand of Darkness" cued up (Haven't read anything by LeGuin in quite a few years), and would like to try and get through "Jane Eyre" but that one is questionable.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if I ever even finished "Stranger in a Strange Land" - I enjoyed the book, but I think Heinlein did one of those John Galt rambles at the end of the book that I just couldn't get through.

    I've been meaning to sign up for Spark, but this is the busy season at work and I barely have time to blog as it is - I think the next one is in August; I'll do it then. Let me (us?) know how it works out for you!
