Sunday, June 13, 2010


I am participating in a crochet-a-long with some friends of mine and so far it's going well! There are 6 different block styles, 3 colors, for 8 blocks of each style (except the first block, that one gets 9), to make a total of 49 blocks, about 7x9 inches each. At first, I couldn't get past my sense of symmetry and made 2 square blocks (7x7). And then I was deliberating on different color schemes (eg, first two block styles are of the same color, but I was going to make each style in all the colors).

I finally settled on going back, making my previously finished blocks the prescribed dimensions, and sticking to the color scheme/pattern for the whole thing. I think I may need to get more yarn, though, I'm not sure I can squeeze another 5 blocks out of this skein! But we'll see. I'm excited as this will be my first official blanket for the new house! If I do 2 blocks a week I'll have it done before Christmas. I'll probably wind up doing more than that, though: I plan to bring my yarn to Oklahoma with me, and I expect to have plenty of down time to work on it.

Other than that, there's not much going on at the moment. I still haven't read the book I took out from the library, but I don't have to return it for another 3 weeks. I'll get around to it eventually. I've been a bit obsessive about Neopets lately, and that is taking up way more time than it should. I'm gonna have to cut back and actually get some real work done this week... but more on Neopets another time. I'm going to try and finish this 4th block before Caelyn gets home from her dad's.

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