Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Insanity. Or Not.

So I really was going to start today. For real!... What happened is that Windows DVD Maker did not like the file type I downloaded. So I downloaded a file converter with a free 30-day trial period. I open it and it says my trial period is expired. WTF. So I download another file converter (very hard to find one that was completely free without a time max for conversions), and convert ALL the files from MP4 to .AVI. Windows DVD Maker STILL didn't like it. Ugh! So, since the converter only converts to and from MP4, MPG, and AVI, I had to pray that WDM would be ok with the MPG's... And it was! Hooray!

By this time, it was late, almost 10:00pm, and after I had told myself all day long that me and Caelyn needed to get to bed much much earlier. This going to bed late and then waking up cranky has got to stop. Easier said than done. Ok. So I said to myself, "I'll just burn it quick in the morning." I had it converting files overnight so I could do just that.

We get up late. Of course. I'm rushing, Caelyn is whining because she wants to paint her pets (a paint-your-own-pets set she got for her birthday), so I tell her she can start one IF she eats breakfast and gets dressed really quick. This has always been a problem for her, to focus and do things quickly. She spent most of the morning rolling on the floor complaining that I won't let her do fun things. Great. I convince her that it would be better if she painted after school, and that way she could paint ALL of them, and not just a little bit. She was eventually OK with that, but between getting her dressed, shoving Honey Nut Cheerios into her face, and starting the Windows DVD Maker, I forgot to make her a lunch.

We get to daycare and while I'm parking is when I remember that I didn't make lunch for her. WTF. So I tell the teacher I'll be back to drop it off before lunch time. I go back home and the stupid DVD Maker is at like, .5% encoding. I'm thinking "this is gonna take forever!" So I let it do its thing, make Caelyn's lunch (chicken salad sandwich, I hope she likes it!), change into some shorts, tie my sneakers on (praying that they won't give me blisters), and head out. I drop off the lunch, then head over to the park to get a run in. I knocked out a mile and figured that was good for a start.

So here I am back at home, still no real work done so I'll have to make some coffee (I didn't even have coffee this morning, boo), and knock out some billable hours. I will definitely be reporting on Insanity after I actually do it.

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