Friday, June 18, 2010

Insanity - Day One

So I made it through the first real workout of Insanity. And let me tell you (as I've said probably too many times already) it's not called Insanity for nothing! Number one, the warm-up was ok until we got to the second run through of it. I almost thought it was a broken record. Wait, a THIRD time?? And this is just the WARM UP? Thankfully, Shaun T. is generous with the water breaks, although he could have given me a teensy bit longer. I can't even remember what the workout was, let me look on the DVD... Plyometrics Cardio Circuit. Whew. I remember possibly 2 different circuits, and we did each no less than 3 times each.

Let me pause here and define plyometrics. I didn't know what it exactly meant (only that it sounded official and intimidating), but thanks to, I am happy to know (or maybe not happy?) that Plyometrics is "a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping." Yes. There was A LOT of jumping. I thought the whole house would fall down around me. And I'm not a big person, but all 4'10" of me was enough to shake the shelves and cabinets enough for my mom to ask if I really had to do all that jumping.

YES, Mom, I do. Otherwise I may as well just not do it. I really tried to push it out at the end, but I'm afraid I was doing more resting than working, and when the blessed stretching came around, my thighs would not let me assume the stretching positions Mr. Shaun T. prescribed. I sat and did some stretching of my own (ie. laying flat on my back and wondering if I would be able to walk at all today).

I'm not sure I'll be able to do the next workout tomorrow, possibly later in the afternoon, but I'll be so worn out from a trip to Governor's Island (no, not for pleasure unfortunately, but for some 319th mayhem), I may just want to nap.

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