Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Just a Little Note

Here I am, back at home after a long drill weekend. I left 4:30am on Friday and made it to Totten around 11:30, which was pretty decent time considering all the stops I made, and the length of said stops. Drilled a half day, then retired to the hotel room with Sgt F, who made a bangin' salad to share with me. I did pick out the mushrooms (yick), but everything else was SO GOOD, and I am definitely not a big salad eater. If someone asks at dinner if I want salad, generally the answer is "No. Thanks. No thanks.." And if at a restaurant they ask if I want soup or salad, I'll have soup, unless it's a gross soup (like Manhattan clam chowder or French Onion), then I'll opt for the least healthy salad, a Caesar, rife with croutons and cheese and dressing.

This salad was different, though, for two major reasons: One, I was starving. I hadn't eaten anything all day so I was happy for the offer of food, even if it was green and full of vegetables. Two, it was free and I didn't have to leave the hotel room for it. I'm cheap and did not feel like getting up off my ass to walk down the block to Wendy's, or worse yet, directly across the street to Burger King. That cheap. That lazy. I must say, though, that I enjoyed the salad and all the things in it: chunks of chicken, bits of boiled egg, shredded carrot, cucumbers, and all manner of green leafy things. Plus, she had a really awesome honey mustard dressing (the recipe I was lucky to have her divulge to me!). I ate two giant platefuls while we watched Whip It, and then What Women Want. All in all a good night.

Next morning was the APFT. I PASSED THE SIT UPS!! I was SO surprised that I actually did enough sit ups, I was like, Oh shit now I HAVE to push myself on the run cuz I can't use the old "well I already failed so why try" excuse like I usually do when I fail the sit ups. Shit.

So I tried. I really did! But it just wasn't good enough. I missed my time by 37 seconds. THIRTY SEVEN SECONDS. I'm honestly impressed with myself. For all the half-assed work outs I did, and the half-assed runs I pretended to do on my treadmill, I am thoroughly impressed that I performed that well! So, for the next APFT next month, I'm sure I'll be able to pass no problem now. If I keep up the working out thing. I've been lazy the last 3 days, mostly because I was burned out after my trip home Sunday night. I felt like I slept for two days straight, that's how tired I was. Today is a bit better, but still didn't exercise. Maybe I'll do some sit ups later; I'd like to do MORE than 45 sit ups, which is the minimum requirement and the number which I managed to do for this past APFT.

And that was my weekend. And I am now addicted to Tap Fish which I downloaded on my phone two days ago. Also been playing Neopets more recently. ALSO, I finished the purse for my BBFL and she loved it! I'm so happy <3 and another sgt asked me to make her one in green, and even offered to pay for it! I probably won't let her, but whatever. I love making things for people.

I'm 14 blocks away from finishing a blanket I'm making for a good friend of mine, and I have 2 more projects lined up for after: A baby blanket for a guy in my unit whose girlfriend is having a baby, and then a lavender bunny blanket for Caelyn. I may do the bunny blanket first, since Easter is coming up first, and then the baby blanket since she is due I guess in June or July. I really really love making things for people :)

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